
resources: alternative energy, green economy, green trading, sustainability
by: G. Benjamin Bingham
source: Huffington Post
published: April 9, 2014

Peter Fusaro, of Global Change Associates, was ahead of his time 13 years ago, when he first launched the Wall Street Green Summit and he still is. Instead of a summit for traders looking for "green companies," the intimate Columbia Club hosted leaders from big government and multinationals, inventors and entrepreneurs with breakthrough solutions, as well as fund managers meeting the demand for green...

original article
resources: energy investments, environment
by: Peter Fusaro
source: Journal of Environmental Investing
published: October 10, 2013

Interview with Peter Fusaro in the Journal of Environmental Investing, October, 2013.

view/download responses_jei_pcf6.pdf
resources: energy investments, green trading
by: Peter Fusaro
published: March 7, 2013

"No more Solyndras!" may make the headlines but money is continuing to be deployed in the green energy sector each year.

original article
resources: green trading
by: Neil Chambers
published: March 25, 2011

An interview with Peter at, discussing the intersection of Wall Street, climate change, and the green technology movement.

original article
resources: climate change policy, energy markets, exchanges
by: Peter Fusaro
source: Triple Pundit
published: March 18, 2010

Cap and Trade has been hijacked, the wind taken out of its sails by climate change skeptics. More specifically, the issue of market-based solutions for addressing environmental problems has been utterly distorted. The truth of the matter is that markets have worked to drive efficient, environmental results.

original article
view/download reframing_cap_and_trade_trade.pdf
resources: emmissions reduction
by: Gary M. Vasey, Ph.D. and Peter Fusaro
source: UtiliPoint IssueAlert
published: December 21, 2009

Greenhouse gas emissions have been receiving a lot of attention recently. Last week, President Barack Obama traveled to the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen and pledged a 17 percent reduction in U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. Meanwhile, other initiatives have taken place both within the US and in other regions of the world. At this time, despite continued uncertainties, we may well stand on the precipice of an era in which carbon becomes a globally traded commodity and in which companies, particularly energy companies, are forced to monitor, track, report and reduce their GHG and other emissions.

view/download ia_reprint_december_21_2009.pdf
resources: environmental finance markets
by: Peter Fusaro and Michael Van Patten
source: UtiliPoint IssueAlert
published: July 24, 2009

While the focus today is on greenhouse gas reductions, there are many more emerging and maturing environmental financial markets that are often overlooked by investors. We believe that the new compliance driven EPA and other federal regulatory agencies will actually unlock the value of other environmental financial markets and represent new opportunities for investors to protect the environment. It is important that as business metrics begin to permeate socially responsible investment it will make increased sense by non-profits to start considering market-driven solutions, not only to do good but also to continue their own financial sustainability in today's new economic environment.

view/download ia_reprint_july_24_2009.pdf
resources: green trading
by: Devon TreeceErb Elements
source: Erb Elements
published: July 2, 2009

Given our expressed interest in learning more about environmental markets, Peter Fusaro, Erb Institute External Advisory Board member and Chairman of Global Change Associates, invited Erb students to attend the Wall Street Green Trading Summit (WSGTS) which he has organized for the past eight years.  Peter is well networked in this space, and a quick browse through the program revealed a Who's Who of people active in environmental markets. We knew this would be a conference like no other.

original article
view/download erb.pdf
resources: environmental finance markets, water
by: Peter Fusaro and William S. Brennan
source: UtilliPoint Issue Alert
published: June 12, 2009

By now we have all heard of the “Carbon Footprint,” and how it impacts our planet. Five years ago, the expression would have elicited blank stares. Today, one cannot pick up a newspaper or peruse the Internet without seeing article after article from around the globe focusing on how the Carbon Footprint is destroying our planet. We believe the general public is about to embrace another footprint that will impact almost every aspect of their lives, the Water Footprint. In commodity markets, many think that water is the next carbon market.

view/download ia_reprint_june_12_2009.pdf
resources: environmental finance markets
by: Peter Fusaro
source: UtilliPoint Issue Alert
published: May 15, 2009

My last IssueAlert article focused on the framework needed to create the Green Financial Markets. What troubles me today is how slow this process has been, given the urgency of the situation. It can be argued that the public policy process is always slow and riskaverse, but I am actually looking back at 19 years of incremental change at best. I was recently interviewed by the Congressional Research Service regarding which agencies should regulate cap and trade. I argued that it should not fall under FERC jurisdiction because FERC has no experience in environmental financial markets. The following day I was interviewed by the Wall Street Journal on carbon market developments in the United States and abroad. This is their first coverage by the journal of this sector as a commodity.

view/download ia_reprint_may_15_2009.pdf
