Doing Our Part for Green Jobs

I have been barraged recently from both college students and people in transition that want to enter the green space. It is not easy with so much financial turmoil on the one hand and all the pr on the other about green jobs. The bottom line is that is going to talk time to build the bridge to the Green Economy. I see 4 key sectors impacted: finance, technology, engineering, and education. But it must be remembered that despite all the hoopla of a new day in Washington, that the federal government moves slow. They have to appoint 9,000 Schedule C political appointees and then administer the stimulus package through 60 agencies.

But I also understand that people are anxious and motivated to work in the emerging Green Sector. So, we continue to update our website with now 32 websites listing green jobs and green headhunters. Take a spin and tell us what you think and need. We are not a search firm but feel it is important to help people when they are looking for work which is a lonely and trying experience.

The link is