GreenTrading Markets: How Environmental Financial Markets Work
GreenTrading Markets: How Environmental Financial Markets Work
Green Trading markets are over ten years old, they encompass SO2, NOX, CO2 and renewable energy trading. Each of these markets is dynamic and is evolving to accommodate more participants and to increase the efficacy of measures to improve the environment.
Today, the carbon dioxide market is beginning to ramp up in Europe, the US, Canada, Japan, Australia as it emulates oil market development as a global carbon market. The EU Emissions Trading Scheme which began on January 1, 2005 coupled with the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol on February 16th have catalyzed development of global carbon markets including those in the US on both the Chicago Climate Exchange and on the larger Over-the-Counter financial markets.
Both due to technology changes and the demand for green power, the renewable energy credit market is accelerating in market developments. Their growth trajectory is quite extraordinary but what are renewable energy credits and how are they traded. This report lets you know.
Finally risk management software is needed to track and position keep deals in these emerging markets. We offer the first analysis of environmental risk management systems.
This report captures the best available information and analysis at this point in GreenTrading market development on April 5, 2005. It is intended as a sophisticated primer to get the reader up to speed quickly on what are carbon markets, what are SO2 and NOX and why are they important and what is renewable energy trading.