
resources: alternative energy
by: Peter C. Fusaro and Andrea Kramer, editors
published: 2010

Energy and Environmental Project Finance Law and Taxation: New Investment Techniques provides practitioners with a useful and comprehensive discussion of energy and environmental project finance as it is developing and where it is going in light of...

resources: energy investments, energy markets, environmental finance markets, environmental hedge funds
by: Peter C. Fusaro, Andrea S. Kramer
published: 2008

Are you prepared for the expansion of energy and environmental trading into the global financial markets? These growing markets are rife with trading and legal risks. This book, written for practitioners and laymen alike, will arm you with crucial...

resources: carbon trading, sustainability
by: Kenny Tang (Editor), Ruth Yeoh (Editor)
published: 2007

Cut Carbon, Grow Profits illustrates what every corporation needs to know in order to manage the carbon and sustainability challenges facing societies, cities, individuals and businesses today. With contributions from international experts, Cut Carbon...

resources: energy investments, energy markets, green trading, industry organizations
by: Peter C. Fusaro (Editor)
published: 2007

An essential resource for all financial professionals affected by energy prices, The Professional Risk Managers' Guide to the Energy Market presents a complete account of the evolution, tools, scope, and breadth of the energy and environmental...

resources: alternative energy, clean tech
by: Clint Wilder, Ron Pernick
published: 2007

In The Clean Tech Revolution, authors Ron Pernick and Clint Wilder identifythe major forces that have pushed clean tech from back-to-the-earth utopiandream to its current revolution among the inner circles of corporateboardrooms, on Wall...

resources: energy investments, energy markets, industry organizations
by: Peter C. Fusaro (Contributor)
published: 2007

In order for risk managers to succeed in today's complex financial landscape, they need a solid understanding of the world's major financial markets, the roles these markets play in the international arena, the risk strategies for each, and the new...

resources: environmental hedge funds
by: Peter C. Fusaro, Dr. Gary M. Vasey
published: 2006

As the world's energy markets continue to grow, there is a growing need for professional literature on the subject. Sustained higher energy prices are now driving investment interest at an unprecedented level into the energy sector and that is...

resources: energy, energy markets
by: Peter C. Fusaro, Tom James
published: 2006

Written by best selling author Peter C. Fusaro and renowned energy market expert and commentator Tom James, this book demonstrates that the forces of energy and environmental issues and linked more than ever before.  The beginning of European...

resources: energy markets, environmental hedge funds
by: Peter C. Fusaro, Tom James
published: 2005

This book focuses on the latest developments in the Asia-Pacific community in terms of how deregulation and privatization are bringing more risk to energy companies.

resources: green trading
by: Peter C. Fusaro, Marion Yuen
published: 2005

This is the second in our series of books on Green Trading market evolution and is published by UK publisher Elsevier.
