Fusaro Focus Launched: Energy Market Insights at Your Fingertips

New York (For immediate release) � Learning edge international energy and environmental consultancy Global Change Associates' founder Peter C. Fusaro has launched his biweekly newsletter Fusaro Focus.

There is cutting-edge news and then there is something even more valuable: visionary forecasts from an analyst whose predictions have come true time and again. When it comes to the hottest industry around -- energy -- there is no more authoritative, insightful analyst than Peter Fusaro, chairman of Global-Change Associates Inc. Fusaro's web and in-person seminars routinely attract sell-out crowds. His often daring predictions have become market movers. His timely book What Went Wrong at Enron was a New York Times best seller and brought clarity for energy watchers and Joe Public alike.

Peter Fusaro is going to report regularly on what investors and others should expect to happen next week, next year, and beyond, in the high-stakes global energy industry, through a bi-monthly newsletter called Fusaro Focus. Starting in January 2005, Fusaro Focus will be electronically delivered twice a month (24 times a year) to subscribers around the world.

Every story, every idea, in Fusaro Focus will be actionable insight for investors and industry insiders into the multi- trillion dollar global energy and environmental commodities and equities markets, straight from Peter's listening posts inside corporate boardrooms and national capitals.

The editor of Fusaro Focus will be Bill Paul, who has more than 30 years of energy and environmental journalism experience as a former Wall Street Journal staff writer and former CNBC special energy correspondent.

This new newsletter gives insights into the rapidly changing global energy and environmental markets including.

  • Exclusive coverage of energy hedge funds
  • Alternative energy developments
  • LNG project and market developments
  • Green Trading market insights impacting renewables and emissions trading
  • New technology for energy efficiency and power reliability
  • Global energy market developments in Europe & Asia
  • Contrarian advice on energy trading
  • Ethanol and other biofuels
  • Information technology developments and more
  • For further information and a sample issue, contact Peter Fusaro at 212-316-0223 or [email protected].
