GCA and Utilipoint Release Their GreenTradingTM Research Report

New York (For immediate release)--Global Change Associates Inc. and Utilipoint International Inc. have released their report on the state of environmental financial markets which is their third joint research collaboration. The report is called GreenTrading TM Markets: How Environmental Financial Markets Work and is the first study to examine all environmental trading markets. Markets covered include the established SO2 and NOX trading markets in the US and the emerging carbon and renewable energy trading markets. The purpose of the study is to put in one report all the diverse information in one repository with the influential benefit of having the insights and analysis of top specialists in this area.

�GreenTrading markets are over ten years old, but they are rapidly evolving into full-fledged global markets with large and diverse numbers of participants, � said Peter Fusaro, Chairman, of New York-based Global Change Associates.

This study is the culmination of over six months of research of 7 analysts in this emerging market space, and is the first to cover all the green trading markets including carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and renewable energy credit trading.

�I know that we are the first to look at environmental software solutions for this evolving sector of the market,� said Dr. Gary Vasey, Vice President, Utilipoint International.

Further information on how to order the $2500 report is available on Global Change Associates' Internet bookstore website, Energy Media Group ( ). Reporters can also contact Peter Fusaro for an executive summary of the report at 212-316-0223 or [email protected]


Contact :

Peter Fusaro: +1(212) 316 0223